Screen Central provides the feature film, television dramas/documentaries, TV commercial, music video, corporate film and photographic communities with the essential pre-production resource to plan shoots in the Central NSW.
The guide offers thoroughly researched information helping production professionals find the right locations and partners to shoot their next project in Central NSW. It is an indispensable tool for the screen industry during their pre-production stage.
If you can’t find the right location or you would like some extra input from Screen Central please feel free to drop us a line
The images herewith are free to use for presentation purposes. We have included some hi res images that are representative of the whole region as well. There are many good reasons to choose our regions for your next production.
Our region offers enormous location diversity ranging from spectacular mountains to rolling valleys through to sweeping plains and forests to agricultural enterprises of every description. Locations range from ‘soft’ rivers and lakes to harsh, uncompromising ‘outback’ settings and to gritty industrial backgrounds. We have some of the most outstanding examples of colonial architecture, streetscapes and farm buildings to be found in Australia. The region has locations for every genre.
We have four distinct seasons with snow at times in higher parts so there are four seasonal variations to the many locations on offer.
Our catch-cry is ‘a stone’s throw from Sydney’s CBD’. Once you’re here there’s an excellent infrastructure of road, rail and air transport for cost-effective filming plus an excellent array of accommodation from budget to five star.
Screen Central has a coordinated network of people located in its local government areas who are familiar with their own region and the needs of filmmakers and who are committed to ensure you get the best possible support for your production.