Local Government Filming Protocol 2009
The Local Government Filming Protocol 2009 has been developed under the Local Government Act 1993 to ensure that New South Wales remains “film friendly” while maintaining a proper balance between community and economic benefits.
Council has the care, control and management of these areas and it’s important that film production companies understand this.
Filmakers must refer to the Local Government Filming Protocol 2009 for guidance prior to applying for a film approval.
If you are interested in filming in Central NSW, the staff at Central NSW Joint Organisation can assist further if needed. Please contact via admin@centraljo.nsw.gov.au for your initial enquiry.
There is a wealth of information available on Screen NSW‘s website as NSW is the leading state for screen production.
Click on this link to see the contact information of the Regional Councils’ Film Officer on the Screen NSW website.
Click on this link to visit all the information on Screen NSW’s website about filming in Sydney & NSW. You’ll also find more detail on: